Emacs Lisp - 实用文本处理函数
1.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,返回匹配的数量
(defun tps-search-count (string regexp)
(let ((start 0)
(count 0))
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(cl-incf count)
(setq start (match-end 0))))
(tps-search-count "Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "he")
;; 5
2.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,返回所有匹配的位置信息
(defun tps-search (string regexp)
"Return the matched data after searching STRING by REGEXP."
(let ((start 0)
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(setq match-seq (append match-seq (list (match-data))))
(setq start (match-end 0))))
(tps-search "Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "is")
;; ((18 20) (43 45))
3.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,返回指定位置 NTH 的匹配项的位置信息。NTH 从1开始正数,-1开始倒数。
(defun tps-search-nth (string regexp nth)
(let* ((count (tps-search-count string regexp))
(list (tps-search string regexp))
(i (if (< nth 0)
(+ count nth)
(1- nth))))
(nth i list)))
(tps-search-nth "Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "he" 3)
;; (62 64)
(tps-search-nth "Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "he" -2)
;; (84 86)
4.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,返回匹配项前后分别符合 BEFORE, AFTER 正则的结果的位置信息
(defun string-match--before (string point regexp)
(insert string)
(goto-char (1+ point))
(looking-back (or regexp "") 0))))
(defun string-match--after (string point regexp)
(insert string)
(goto-char (1+ point))
(looking-at (or regexp "")))))
(defun tps-search-around (string regexp before after)
(let ((list (tps-search string regexp)))
(seq-filter (lambda (pair)
(and (string-match--before string (car pair) (or before ""))
(string-match--after string (cadr pair) (or after ""))))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be."
"he" nil nil)
;; ((15 17) (40 42) (62 64) (84 86) (103 105))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be."
"he" "man as " " can")
;; ((62 64))
1.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,替换所有匹配项为 REPL
(defun tps-replace (string regexp repl)
(let ((start 0))
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(setq string (replace-match repl nil nil string))
(setq start (+ (match-beginning 0) (length repl)))))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be."
"he" "HE")
;; Treat a man as HE is and will remain as HE is; treat a man as HE can and should be, HE shall become as HE can and should be.
2.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,替换第 NTH 个匹配项为 REPL。NTH 从1开始正数,-1开始倒数。
(defun tps-replace-nth (string regexp repl nth)
(let ((count (tps-search-count string regexp))
(start 0)
(i 0))
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(when (= i (if (< nth 0)
(+ count nth)
(1- nth)))
(setq string (replace-match repl nil nil string)))
(cl-incf i)
(setq start (+ (match-beginning 0) (length repl)))))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "he" "He" 3)
;; Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as He can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be.
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be." "he" "He" -1)
;; Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as He can and should be.
3.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,替换匹配项前后分别符合 BEFORE, AFTER 正则的结果为 REPL。
(defun tps-replace-around (string regexp repl before after)
(let ((start 0))
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(when (and (string-match--before string (match-beginning 0) before)
(string-match--after string (match-end 0) after))
(setq string (replace-match repl nil nil string)))
(setq start (+ (match-beginning 0) (length repl)))))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be."
"he" "HE" "as " " can")
;; Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as HE can and should be, he shall become as HE can and should be.
4.根据 PAIRS 批量替换文本 STRING。PAIRS 是一个搜索项和替换项的列表。
(defun tps-batch-replace (string pairs)
(dolist (pair pairs)
(setq string (tps-replace string (car pair) (cadr pair))))
"Treat a man as he is and will remain as he is; treat a man as he can and should be, he shall become as he can and should be."
'(("he" "she") ("man" "woman")))
;; Treat a woman as she is and will remain as she is; treat a woman as she can and should be, she shall become as she can and should be.
5.根据正则 REGEXP 搜索文本 STRING,将匹配项按照替换列表 REPL-SEQ 循环替换为新的文本列表。如果 SEPARATOR 不为空,将文本列表用 SEPARATOR 连接成字符串。对于数字类型的替换,支持语法糖,比如字符串 “{01..03}” 对应列表 (“01” “02” “03”)。
(defun tps--loop-parse (string)
(when-let* ((_ (string-match "{[0-9]+\\.\\.[0-9]+}" string))
(pattern (match-string 0 string))
(pair (split-string (string-trim pattern "{" "}") "\\.\\." t "[ ]*"))
(from-len (length (car pair)))
(new-seq (mapcar (lambda (number)
(string-pad (number-to-string number) from-len ?0 'start))
(number-sequence (string-to-number (car pair))
(string-to-number (cadr pair))))))
(string-match "{[0-9]+\\.\\.[0-9]+}" string)
(mapcar (lambda (newtext)
(replace-match newtext nil nil string))
(defun tps-replace-loop (string regexp repl-seq &optional separator)
(let* ((repl-seq (if (stringp repl-seq)
(tps--loop-parse repl-seq)
(str-lst (mapcar (lambda (repl)
(tps-replace string regexp repl))
(if separator
(string-join str-lst separator)
(tps-replace-loop "select * from jd.base_table_01;" "01" '("01" "02" "03") "\n")
;; select * from base_table_01;
;; select * from base_table_02;
;; select * from base_table_03;
"select count(1) from jd.base_table_01;" "base_table_01" "newtable_{01..04}" "\n")
;; select count(1) from jd.newtable_01;
;; select count(1) from jd.newtable_02;
;; select count(1) from jd.newtable_03;
;; select count(1) from jd.newtable_04;
1.获取所行文本 STRING 的第 COL-NUM 列。如果不指定 COL-SEP, ROW-SEP, 默认的列分隔符是 `tps-default-col-sep', 默认的行分隔符是 `tps-default-row-sep'。
(defvar tps-default-row-sep "\n")
(defvar tps-default-col-sep "[ ]+")
(defun tps-get-column (string col-num &optional col-sep row-sep)
(let* ((row-sep (or row-sep tps-default-row-sep))
(col-sep (or col-sep tps-default-col-sep))
(rows (split-string string row-sep t))
(max-col-num (apply #'max (mapcar
(lambda (row-str)
(length (split-string row-str col-sep t)))
(list (mapcar (lambda (row-str)
(let* ((row-col-lst (split-string row-str col-sep t))
(col-num (if (< col-num 0)
(+ (1+ max-col-num) col-num)
(nth (1- col-num) row-col-lst)))
(not-all-nil (seq-some (lambda (data)
(not (null data)))
(when not-all-nil
(string-join list row-sep))))
"happy hacking emacs.
happy hacking vim.
happy hacking vscode.
happy hacking atom." 3)
;; emacs.
;; vim.
;; vscode.
;; atom.
9,10,11,12" 2 ",")
;; 2
;; 6
;; 10
2.将多行文本 STRING 用 CONCAT-SEP 连接起来。如果 ROW-SEP 为空,默认使用 `tps-default-row-sep' 分割行。
(defvar tps-default-row-sep "\n")
(defun tps-concat-row (string concat-sep &optional row-sep)
(let* ((row-sep (or row-sep tps-default-row-sep))
(rows (split-string string row-sep)))
(string-join rows concat-sep)))
"happy hacking emacs
happy hacking vim
happy hacking vscode
happy hacking atom"
", ")
;; happy hacking emacs, happy hacking vim, happy hacking vscode, happy hacking atom
按照正则 REGEXP 分割文本 STRING 为多个"块"的列表。EXCLUDE 不为空时,分割的块不包含分隔符本身; SEPARATOR 不为空时,将列表用 SEPARATOR 连接为字符串。
(defun split-block (string regexp &optional exclude separator)
(let ((start 0)
(while (string-match regexp string start)
(let* ((lst (match-data 0))
(beg (nth 0 lst))
(end (nth 1 lst))
(when exclude
(setq beg (1+ end)))
(if (string-match regexp string end)
(setq end (1- (nth 0 (match-data 0))))
(setq end (length string)))
(setq block (substring string beg end))
(setq result (append result (list block)))
(setq start end)))
(if separator
(string-join result separator)
happy hacking emacs1
happy hacking vim1
happy hacking vscode1
happy hacking emacs2
happy hacking vim2
happy hacking vscode2
happy hacking emacs3
happy hacking vim3
happy hacking vscode3"
;; ("--------
;; happy hacking emacs1
;; happy hacking vim1
;; happy hacking vscode1" "--------
;; happy hacking emacs2
;; happy hacking vim2
;; happy hacking vscode2" "--------
;; happy hacking emacs3
;; happy hacking vim3
;; happy hacking vscode3")