
读了一些关于时间管理和习惯培养的书籍和文章,我意识到“仪式感”和“记录反思”的重要性。事实上,以自己喜欢的方式做记录是件很开心的事情,我已经连续80天写晨间日记和晚间总结。现在, 写日志已经变成了习惯。但我希望培养更多好的习惯,用我自己喜欢的方式(在emacs中),所以有了gk-habit这个demo。


详见 https://github.com/Kinneyzhang/gkhabit


gk-habit使用emacsql-sqlite创建数据库,有两个表 “habit” 和 “record”。前者记录习惯及其相关参数,后者记录习惯打卡的数据。


  • create-time 习惯创建的时间
  • name 习惯名称
  • frequency-type 习惯打卡频率类型,包括“每天”、“每周几重复”,“一周几次”,“一月几次”
  • frequency-param 频率类型的参数,每天重复则为nil、每周几重复则用数字表示(134表示每周一三四)、一周或一月的打卡的次数。
  • period 习惯发生的时间时间段
  • remind-time 提醒打卡的时间
  • remind-string 提醒打卡时的文本
  • status 习惯的状态,active或archive,archive表示不再跟踪该习惯
  • archive-time 归档的时间


  • create-time 记录创建的时间
  • habit 记录的习惯
  • status 习惯完成状态(DONE完成,MISS未完成)
  • comment 未完成的原因


;;; habit record - gk-habit
(require 'cl-lib)
(require 'emacsql-sqlite)

(defconst gkh-buffer "*Gk-Habit*")

(defvar gkh-db (emacsql-sqlite3 "~/.emacs.d/gk-habit/habit.db"))

(defvar gkh-file "~/.emacs.d/gk-habit/habit.org")

(defvar gkh-record-status '("DONE" "MISS"))

(defvar gkh-frequency-type '("everyday" "repeat" "by-week" "by-month"))

(defvar gkh-period '("get-up" "morning" "noon" "afternoon" "evening" "before-sleep"))

(defvar gkh-table-habit-column
  '("create-time" "name" "frequency" "frequency-param"
    "peroid" "remind-time" "remind-string" "status" "archive-time"))

(defvar gkh-table-record-column
  '("create-time" "habit" "status" "comment"))

(defun gkh-db-create-tables ()
  "Create database tables of gk-habit."
  (emacsql gkh-db [:create-table habit
                                 ([(create-time string :primary-key :not-null)
                                   (name string :not-null :unique)
                                   (frequency-type string :not-null)
                                   (period string :not-null)
                                   (status string :not-null)
                                   (archive-time string)])])

  (emacsql gkh-db [:create-table record
                                 ([(create-time string :primary-key :not-null)
                                   (habit string :not-null)
                                   (status string :not-null)
                                   (comment string)]
                                  (:foreign-key [habit] :references habit [name]
                                                :on-delete :cascade))]))

(defun gkh-db-drop-tables ()
  "Drop database tables of gk-habit."
  (let* ((tables (emacsql gkh-db [:select name
                                          :from sqlite_master
                                          :where (= type 'table)]))
         (table (completing-read "Choose a table: " tables nil t)))
    (emacsql gkh-db `[:drop-table ,(intern table)])))

(defun gkh--frequency-params (frequency-type)
  "Get the habit frequency parameters"
  (let (param)
     ((string= frequency-type "everyday")
      (setq param nil))
     ((string= frequency-type "repeat")
      (setq param (completing-read "repeated day (exam. \"135\" means habit repeat on Monday, Wensday and Friday in every week.): " nil)))
     ((string= frequency-type "by-week")
      (setq param (completing-read "how many times a week: " nil)))
     ((string= frequency-type "by-month")
      (setq param (completing-read "how many times a month: " nil))))

(defun gkh-init ()
  "Gk-habit initialize, create database and org tables."
  (ignore-errors (gkh-db-create-tables))

(defun gkh-new ()
  "Add a new habit"
  (cl-block 'return
    (let* ((create-time (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T"))
            (let ((temp (completing-read "name of habit: " nil))
                  (habits (mapcar 'car (emacsql gkh-db [:select name :from habit
                                                                :where (= status "Active")]))))
              (if (member temp habits)
                  (cl-return-from 'return
                    (message "the habit '%s' already exist!" temp))
           (frequency-type (completing-read "frequency of habit: " gkh-frequency-type nil t))
           (frequency-param (gkh--frequency-params frequency-type))
           (period  (completing-read "period of habit: " gkh-period nil t))
            (let ((temp (completing-read "remind this habit at: " nil)))
              (if (string= "" temp)
                  nil temp)))
            (let ((temp (completing-read "habit remind sentence: " nil)))
              (if (string= "" temp)
                  nil temp))))
      (emacsql gkh-db `[:insert :into habit
                                :values ([,create-time ,habit ,frequency-type ,frequency-param ,period ,remind-time ,remind-string "Active" nil])])
      (message "Habit '%s' is added!" habit))))

(defun gkh-record ()
  "Insert a habit redord in table."
  (let* ((create-time (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T"))
         (habit (completing-read "Choose a habit: "
                                 (emacsql gkh-db [:select [name] :from habit
                                                          :where (= status "Active")])))
         (status (completing-read "Is the habit done?" gkh-record-status nil t))
          (when (string= "MISS" status)
            (completing-read "Reason why missed: " nil))))
    (emacsql gkh-db `[:insert-into record
                                   :values ([,create-time ,habit ,status ,comment])])
    (message "Habit '%s' is %s, record on %s, %s" habit status create-time comment)))

(defun gkh-archive ()
  "Archive a habit"
  (let* ((habits (emacsql gkh-db [:select name :from habit
                                          :where (= status "Active")]))
         (habit (completing-read "Choose a habit: " habits nil t)))
    (emacsql gkh-db `[:update habit
                              :set [(= status "Archive") (= archive-time ,(format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %T"))]
                              :where (= name ,habit)])
    (message "habit %s has been archived!" habit)))

(defun gkh-org-table-draw ()
  "Draw gk-habit database in org table."
  (let* ((table-alist '(("habit" . gkh-table-habit-column)
                        ("record" . gkh-table-record-column))))
    (with-temp-file gkh-file
      (goto-char (point-min))
      (dotimes (i (length table-alist))
        (let* ((headline (car (nth i table-alist)))
               (column-list (eval (cdr (nth i table-alist))))
               (column-num (length column-list)))
          (insert (concat "* " headline " table\n"))
          (org-table-create (concat (format "%s" column-num) "x2"))
          (dotimes (j column-num)
            (insert (nth j column-list)))
          (let ((items (emacsql gkh-db `[:select * :from ,(intern headline)])))
            (dotimes (m (length items))
              (dotimes (n column-num)
                (insert (format "%s" (nth n (nth m items)))))))
          (forward-line 2)
          (newline 2))))))

(defun gkh-org-table-display ()
  "Display gk-habit org table in a bottom buffer."
  (if (string= (buffer-name) gkh-buffer)
      (message "Already in the Gk Habit buffer."))
   (or (get-buffer-window gkh-buffer)
  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create gkh-buffer)
    (read-only-mode -1)
    (insert (file-contents gkh-file))
    (goto-char (point-min))
    (read-only-mode 1))
  (view-buffer gkh-buffer 'kill-buffer))

(provide 'gk-habit)


  • 设置习惯打卡时间提醒
  • 使用matplotlib库绘制习惯打卡统计图